Taking the Gospel Deeper

CBI’s number one core value is a fukuin no seikatsu (a gospel lifestyle). We are convinced that the gospel is not simply the announcement that Jesus has saved us, but it is good news regarding how the Lord is daily conforming us to his image. It is not simply good news that our sins have been forgiven, but it is the message that gives us power to fight sin every single day. This expansive view of the gospel is not common in Japanese churches, where the emphasis is often on faithful living and good morals. Of course, these are wonderful fruits of a gospel-transformed life, but if the gospel is not fueling these efforts they turn into cold legalism, which threatens the vitality of the church and its mission. CBI helps the Japanese church meet the challenges it is facing by going deeper together into the good news of the gospel in the following ways:

  1. As a staff team, together we share this conviction and seek to live a gospel lifestyle together. Our hope is that those we train, serve, and support can see and experience this lifestyle directly and not just hear about it indirectly. 
  2. Through seminary courses and public seminars we offer training on the importance of a gospel lifestyle for seminary students and larger audiences.
  3. Through translation and publication of key gospel resources, our web and publishing ministries guide Japanese Christians into a deeper understanding of the gospel. We have distributed tens of thousands of these resources.
  4. Through gospel-centered discipleship cohorts and programs utilizing biblical counseling resources, our counseling ministry addresses the most personal areas of sin and suffering that many throughout Japan experience.
  5. Through ongoing support and encouragement, we support pastors and help them apply the good news of God’s grace to their own hearts so they are-well equipped to minister that gospel to others.

We firmly believe it is the Holy Spirit working through his gospel that will bring revival and renewal to the Japanese church, and CBI is honored to take the gospel deeper into the hearts of Japanese Christians.

Continue reading about how CBI is taking the Gospel further.


“Together with my mentor and fellow participants in STEPS, I cried, looked up to Jesus, and embraced the gospel. The deep self-condemnation that had been ingrained in me for so long was revealed to be the enemy’s lies by the light of the cross.”

CBI Counseling STEPS participant

“Before enrolling at CBS, I thought I understood the gospel. However, through the seminary classes, I realized how small my view of God was and how lacking my understanding of the greatness of the gospel and its blessings.”

CBS student

“This is the place where I truly learned the gospel!”

CBI staff testimony

“Thank you for translating “New Morning Mercies” into Japanese. I gave a copy to my Japanese friend who does not have a healthy church in his area. He reads it everyday. It is the only reminder of the gospel he is receiving right now.”

Missionary in Kanto