CBI Building Renovation Project

We believe a renovation of our current building will allow us to minister more effectively as we pursue our vision to see the gospel of the glory of Christ cherished and proclaimed throughout Japan.

The proposed renovation includes the following improvements:

  1. Increasing the size of our central office to accommodate a larger staff
  2. Removing old HVAC equipment to open up storage space and transform current storage rooms into small meeting spaces.
  3. Updating our telephone and internet system which is crucial for the success of our growing web ministry
  4. Redesigning the second floor, which currently can only be used by one group at a time, to include a designated classroom, a beautifully designed chapel, and a meeting space
  5. Updating our seminary faculty office to accommodate a larger faculty and improve their working environment
  6. Creating a designated conference room for department meetings, project team meetings, etc
  7. Removing from the roof a large amount of old HVAC equipment that is rusting, potentially hazardous, and compromising our waterproofing, and replacing it with an outdoor deck for ministry use.
  8. Installing a lift and further modifications to make our second and third floor accessible for those with disabilities
  9. Completing recommended waterproofing to ensure our building is protected from leaks and water damage

Project Need*

We are glad to share that CBI has already received a 1:1 matching grant for 50% towards our total goal of $380,000, leaving us with $190,000 to raise! 

Total Project Need: $380,000


  1. optimize building for concurrent meetings, gatherings, and events
  2. renovate classroom and seminary chapel to increase our student capacity
  3. updating our meeting spaces in order to serve as a better host to churches and ministries that use our facility regularly
  4. provide a more fitting space for creative content development that is crucial to our discipleship efforts
  5. outfitting our building to better serve local pastors 
  6. improve our professors’ working environment and enable them to better instill the gospel in our students, and much more
  7. make critical modifications and repairs for longevity and durability of the building

Length of Project

We will continue fundraising until the total is raised throughout 2025. We will begin construction once we have enough for an entire floor of renovation to be completed. The construction company has estimated three months of total work to do everything. We are hoping to have everything completed by the Spring 2026.

*Any funds raised over our goal will be used CBI’s Deeper & Further Initiative