A Gospel Lifestyle that brings Spiritual Renewal

CBI’s 2023 JCE7 breakout session

2023年 09月 20日

What is living the gospel? How does “living the gospel” bring about spiritual renewal?

Through theological reflection, we learn to confirm the joy of salvation and to place the gospel at the center of our lives. Based on this, they share how this affects not only our individual lives of faith, but also the movement of evangelization. The CBI Press book “The Gospel-Centered Life” was also introduced as a teaching tool for group study of the gospel.

In September, 2023, CBI led a breakout session at the 7th Japan Congress on Evangelism (JCE7) titled “A Gospel Lifestyle that brings Spiritual Renewal”. Join Brett Rayl, Richard Brash, Takanori Oba, and Matt Newkirk as they discuss the impact of the gospel on all aspects of our lives.

What is the “Gospel Lifestyle?” : There’s only one thing you need

Brett Rayl (Speaker), Paul Kang (Interpreter)

Application of the Gospel Lifestyle: The Gospel Lifestyle Brings Joy in the Struggles of the World

Richard Brash (Speaker)

Application of the Gospel Lifestyle: How the gospel lifestyle guides our faith in the midst of trials

Takanori Oba (Speaker)

Application of the Gospel Lifestyle: The impact of the gospel lifestyle on the evangelical mission

Matt Newkirk (Speaker)