“The main session was lectured by several different teachers. I liked that each lecturer spoke from a different perspective.”
“I was very encouraged by the small groups and the mentoring. It was great to be honest with each other, talk at our own pace, and pray for each other.”
“The small groups were great and I plan to continue them. The mentoring was also good and I would like to have it continue if possible.
I had not been in the habit of doing or being in the habit of doing small groups or mentoring, so it was good for me to experience that these can really help me. These relationships have actually helped me many times to open myself up and face God.”
“I feel that it would have been better if I had done a better job of working on myself. Even with the daily devotions, I did them all at once, rather than working on them day by day, so I wasn’t able to do much of the devotions that were originally intended, which was to have God deal with my heart through His Word. Even so, I was very blessed when I was able to take time to do the devotions. I was also not able to take the evaluation sheet very seriously. This is my own problem. However, I learned that unless I take the time to “evaluate,” I will not evaluate myself. Evaluation is a very important process of repentance, but I have realized that I do not try to do it. I learned from experience the fundamental foundation that learning the truth, evaluation, repentance, reconciliation, and atonement is the process of sanctification and discipleship, and I would like to connect this to my future life.”
“In the devotions, there was a perusal of the Word by answering questions, and I believe my heart was searched and made aware.” I think the lectures gave me food for thought to share in the devotions, mentoring, and small group discussions. The small groups were an encouragement to those in discipleship training. The mentoring was a time where I could share more of my heart, discover my mistakes, and be with true friends of faith who were praying for me. The evaluation gave me the opportunity to see that I had multiple wounds in my heart.”
“I experienced how little I was able to do and how difficult it is to keep walking in the truth of this gospel. I was encouraged and taught by the teachers, mentors, and small group members as they lived the gospel. STEPS in Japan has just begun, and there may still be room for improvement, but what is most important is the faith of those who teach and those who mentor. What is most important is the faith of those who teach and mentor, and the faith of us, the participants. I thank God for sustaining the faith of each and every one of us and keeping us standing on the gospel.”