Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands, Session 4

Paul David Tripp (Speaker) , Drew Cho (Interpreter) - 2018年 07月 16日

This is the last in a series of four talks based on the book Instruments in the Redeemers Hands.

In the preface to Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands, Paul Tripp says that “this book’s goal is not just that people’s lives would be changed as they give help and receive it. The goal is to help change the church’s very nature.” Throughout the book, Tripp argues that God didn’t intend to place our sanctification only in the hands of trained professionals, but instead designed the church as a body with various parts that each minister to one another and thereby help one another grow in holiness.

All four sessions are available through the “Instruments in the Redeemer’s hands” series. Additional Paul Tripp sessions are also available through the “2018 Paul Tripp Conference” series.