According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Japanese adults have the highest literacy in the world1. Furthermore, the average Japanese person spends nearly 2 hours per day accessing the internet on their smartphone and 30 minutes per day reading blogs and websites2. This is why CBI has made it a priority to distribute rich Gospel content in the form of written articles, hosted on our resource archive and shared on social media. We have 20+ high quality translated articles on our website, and have many more in the pipeline.
The Gospel is the good news that Jesus—the Son of God, the King, the Suffering Servant, the Shepherd, the Savior—has come to the world: to you and to me. Good news is information meant to be proclaimed and received. God is on the move to proclaim the good news of His Son in Japan, and CBI is gratefully poised to be a part of that.