CBI’s number one core value is a fukuin no seikatsu (a gospel lifestyle). We are convinced that the gospel is not simply the announcement that Jesus has saved us, but it is good news regarding how the Lord is daily conforming us to his image. It is not simply good news that our sins have been forgiven, but it is the message that gives us power to fight sin every single day. Taking the gospel deeper helps Japanese Christians meet the challenges they are facing in every area of life.
We firmly believe it is the Holy Spirit working through his gospel that will bring revival and renewal to the Japanese church, and CBI is honored to take the gospel deeper into the hearts of Japanese Christians. With your help, we hope that the Lord will continue to work through CBI toward that end.
“This is the place where I truly learned the gospel!”
- CBI Japanese staff testimony
“Together with my mentor and fellow participants in STEPS, I cried, looked up to Jesus, and embraced the gospel. The deep self-condemnation that had been ingrained in me for so long was revealed to be the enemy’s lies by the light of the cross.”
- CBI Counseling STEPS participant