We are excited to announce that by God’s grace, we have received pledges and donations totaling the full $190,000 needed for the matching grant to reach our total of $380,000 for the Deeper and Further CBI Building Renovation. So many of you have given generously and sacrificially in order to help CBI take the gospel deeper and further in Japan, and we are incredibly grateful. We will share updates in this newsletter as we begin the renovation later this year.
As we have shared before, the Deeper and Further Initiative is about more than just this renovation. Our vision is to see Japanese Christians equipped to take the gospel to the furthest places where it is not yet known. The next project in this initiative will be a large-scale Deeper and Further Conference this Fall. The conference will feature our founder, Michael Oh, and one of the most respected worship artists in Japan, Nagasawa Takafumi. Our goal is to encourage and support Japanese Christians as we take the gospel deeper and further throughout Japan together. We ask for your prayers as we begin fundraising and making plans for this event.
There is more to come, and we ask that you would pray for God’s Spirit to guide us as we seek to glorify and enjoy him together! Thank you so much for partnering with us in this great endeavor to take the gospel deeper and further!
Brett Rayl
CBI Executive Director