Many Christians in Japan – just like elsewhere – struggle to share their faith clearly and effectively. Two things make personal evangelism particularly challenging in Japan. First, there is a lack of contextual resources that communicate the gospel in culturally appropriate ways. Existing resources often translate or copy western models and can feel “foreign”. Second, the prevailing pastor-centrism in Japan’s church culture means most Japanese believers feel unqualified and unequipped to pass on the Good News.
In response, CBI is producing a suite of materials—print and online—that we hope will help meet these needs. We call this the My Uchi-Soto project. At its heart is a retelling of the gospel message through the lens of the Japanese concepts of uchi (inside) and soto (outside) that appeals to the hearts and minds of Japanese people. Written and illustrated by Japanese team members and professional partners, these My Uchi-Soto resources are by and for Japanese.
We are producing three key print resources: a 10-page introductory booklet that can be used in personal evangelism or as an invitation; a 10-part evangelistic Bible study based on the booklet themes; and a 160-page manga leader’s guide that illustrates in an attractive and engaging style how to use the materials in an outreach Bible study. We also plan to release corresponding and supplemental online content, and in time to roll out a training program to equip churches and other groups to use the materials. Thanks to generous gifts from supporters, we plan to offer all of these resources free of charge.
At present the resources are mostly complete in draft form. However, getting them to publication will involve significant work in editing and design. We aim to launch the full suite of resources in time for our Deeper & Further Conference in the Fall. Please pray!