If you have a question about theology or Christian ministry, where do you go? Where do you look it up? If you are an English speaker, there is an abundance of free resources online to help you more deeply understand and apply your faith. Unfortunately, this has not been the case if you speak Japanese.
CBI is hoping to help change that. As a part of our mission to “equip Japanese Christians for gospel ministry”, it is our desire that high quality gospel resources be made easily available for Japanese speakers. Toward this end, CBI is pleased to announce the launching of an all new cbijapan.org coming October 2022. For English speakers, the new CBI website will provide updated information about our ministry and easier pathways for engaging with us from afar. For Japanese speakers, it will include this and a new CBI Press resource page with dozens of newly translated articles, videos, conference messages, and books. This new website will serve as an online resource ministry for Japanese speakers everywhere. We aim to do much more translation and original content creation moving forward to serve the church in Japan and introduce non-Christians to the gospel.