Sunghye Kim
I am a missionary from Korea serving in Japan. My pastor told me that if I wanted to continue to serve in missions in Japan, that I should study theology and build a solid foundation. That’s why I entered CBS. The biggest blessing for me studying at CBS has been coming to the realization that my faith was really based in my works, and then growing in my understanding of the gospel to become more Christ-centered. Through that God has led me to greater understanding and commitment to bearing my cross and following Christ. Moving forward I would like to do missions centered around the local Japanese church, supporting, revitalizing, and serving together to reach out to local communities. If it is God’s will, I would love to start a church ministry for children who are struggling to attend school (futōko, a common challenge in Japan of truancy).
Prayer Request: that God might use me to faithfully serve Kita Yokkaichi Church where I attend. |