We are humbled and grateful to share that at the beginning of this month, Christ Bible Institute launched a new resourcing website at https://cbijapan.org/en/! Our new website not only includes updated information for all of our ministries in English and Japanese, but more importantly introduces a whole new web-based discipleship ministry.
Our next big hope is to increase our online resource catalog. We want to continue translating new gospel-centered articles on key topics related to the Bible, theology, and Christian discipleship. We also hope to develop and share content by gifted Japanese Christian authors who currently lack a platform to use their gifts in this way. This will require greater investment in translation, writing, and editing, but we believe this is worthwhile for the kingdom.
We also believe it important to further develop CBI’s social media ministry in Japanese. We have lots of exciting content in the works such as gospel-centered devotionals, video resources ministering to pastors and lay ministry leaders, and Reformed teaching material on the bible geared towards all Christians. We need to add staff and new tech to minister effectively in this way. Please join us in praying that these resources would be used well for the kingdom, and keep an eye out for ways you can invest in this ministry, which we will share more about in our next newsletter.
Applications for Summer Internships are now open! |
Have you considered personally exploring whether God is calling you to missions in Japan? Applications are now open for 2023 Summer Internships!
Japan is home to the second largest unreached people group in the world, and surprisingly has a long history of missions. There is still so much need for the gospel: for people to hear, for disciples to be made, for churches to be planted, strengthened, and revitalized. The CBI Team is a landing pad for such people considering missions in Japan. We have an established internship program that allows people to discover and develop their gifts to support our existing ministry, connect with our local Japanese church partners, and be released into the community for outreach. At the same time we are a launching pad for people continuing missions in Japan. We have sent out many former team members to other efforts throughout the country as they follow the Lord’s calling—and that too is a great joy.
At CBI we have the unique opportunity to work alongside the Japanese Church to help equip her leaders and till the soil for a movement of the gospel. Would you come and join us as we pray, labor, and hope?
If you have questions specific to the summer internship, you may contact us at serve@cbijapan.org
Praise God for the successful completion of this phase of the CBI Website renewal project
Pray that these many resources will be used to strengthen the Japanese Church, and be used to disciple many believers. Praise God for a wonderful CBI Team Retreat in September–our first team retreat in four years!
Pray for the next generation of “harvest workers” to be raised up for the Japanese Church: Japanese leaders, missionaries, cross-cultural church partnerships, etc. Pray for our Christ Bible Seminary students in the middle of their busy Fall term, some taking an Intensive Course this week (Oct.17-21) on Marriage and Family Counseling.
Help us spread the word about this new ministry. Follow us here |
| You can also consider giving a year-end gift towards this new ministry effort that will go toward translation of new online resources and building a more robust social media ministry. We will share more about this opportunity next month! |